Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Chapter 2:Black land matters

This chapter has similarities to those of the last talking of the injustices of the current farming and agriculture system. I enjoy how the development of these injustices are explained from the beginning, how they originated and their existences today. In this chapter it is particularity interesting to watch the patterns of history repeat themselves when it comes to black owned farms. From my understanding these patterns have repeated because of peoples resistance to change. Because of these resistances there is still racial inequality today in agricultural businesses. It’s disheartening to think about all of the land loss that those have faced today. At the same time there is also a spark of hope that is presented in this chapter. This hope is that people today seem to be more and more eager about learning of their past. This has come from new technology but also the push to be proud of your culture, family, and history. While people may not be able to get their land back hopefully more people will be willing to protect the lands that once were the family’s farm land. Today I think there will be problems moving forward in the way of farming especially for small farmers as the land is taken and developed into industrial areas. It seems as if that was always the case, people with more money will always be the people that are heard the most. As history shows their decisions often continue to hurt those who still don’t have a voice. Making them more powerless. There still won’t be improvements especially in this field if we aren’t willing to listen to those who have been gaming independently. There is also the challenge that much of this information have been lost through the years. From common traditions to special carding for the land. I believe it is mentioned in the reading that much of the information has been passed orally with little to nothing written down. With technology today such as social media blogs and the internet there will always be a place to store and share information widely and this should be taken advantage of the spread messages about protecting the land and how to better farming while combating climate change. 

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