Monday, February 26, 2024

Racialized Agricultural working class


What I took from this is that the minority immigrant is being used to do the labor for very low pay so that the ones in charge can have even bigger pay checks then they morally should as some should go to paying the immigrant people better wages. On top of this they were let go as soon as they were no longer needed, refusing them any rights. And that this is how California’s agriculture came to be and grow in the past. According to the article it took until 1964 to start to deal with some of the issues. Then seeing as how today so many are anti-immigrant for the Mexicans immigrating into the area. The history and present treatment of immigrants is not morally right in my opinion. Whether the people in positions of power are greedy or just angry at outsiders taking advantage of these people and hurting them for things they have nothing to do with is not going to accomplish anything in my opinion as in the long run the system is more than likely to break down in my opinion.

1 comment:

Dani Romanoski said...

I would definitely agree with you in the sense that people who run larger up corporations or manufacturing companies are taking advantage of workers, especially those who tend to be migrant workers. They cover up the exhausting work that they do, slap a sticker on whatever food your purchasing and pretend that all their practices are ethical. Meanwhile, these migrant or impoverished workers are not even making enough money to put food on their own table.

Chapter 4 and conclusion

  I found reading about rotational swidden agriculture very intriguing. I had never even heard of this before, so it seemed very resourceful...