Monday, February 26, 2024

Farm workers food insecurity

 It is very unsettling to think about the fact that the people who harvested the fruits and vegetables that I buy are not able to access those same food for themselves. I never even really considered the fact that food workers are facing food insecurity. There is so much food waste in this country that its very sad that people still go hungry. However, it does make sense that it would be this way based on how our economy is set up. It seems like most companies are moving out of the country for cheaper labor or using immigrant workers. It's unfair for businesses to under pay people in other countries for the same labor. Establishing laws against American companies under paying their workers who are immigrants or from other countries might be able to somewhat fix these problems. But I'm not sure how likely a law like that is to be passed. 

The article also makes the point that even though farm workers wages have decreased, the cost of the foods they are producing have gone up. This widens the gap between how much food people are able to afford as well. The question in my mind is that wouldn't you expect the wages to increase with the price of the food? I just don't understand how companies and the government expect people to feed themselves or survive off such small wages and I'm not sure that they even care. Also farmers are so important and without them we would all starve without food. I think we need to appreciate and take care of these people more as a society. Farmers are so valuable and the least that they deserve is to be able to eat. 

1 comment:

Jesus Perez said...

I think laws like that are hard to pass just because of the way that these issues are politicized and the influence that business have on politicians. To truly protect these workers, there would need to be multiple laws about immigration and fair wages. Because many of the workers are not legal in the country though it is much harder. Agricultural businesses as a whole need to be more regulated so that the workers are allowed a fair wage. The discussion around illegal migrants need to change as well. The narratives that exist about migrants only work to keep them vulnerable to manipulation by corporations.

Chapter 4 and conclusion

  I found reading about rotational swidden agriculture very intriguing. I had never even heard of this before, so it seemed very resourceful...