Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Chapter 3

 I really enjoyed reading about this chapter I liked learning about the old agricultural techniques that were used by Aztecs and Mayans and how ahead of their time they were. I like seeing these farming ways passed down to small farmers but wish that the industrial farms could learn a lesson from them. I also found Aidee Guzman to be super inspiring. It’s cool to see such a strong woman in this field who really is on the path of making big changes in the farming industry. I love how she kept learning about the land and soil and connected it to her home and much smaller farm. It’s interesting to see that if we really listen the land and bees will tell us what to need. Such as the development of small fungi or the farmers that were able to have large crop production without fertilizers by listening to the land and following those farming practices. This all reminds me of the Mayan word that was brought up MeyajbilK’aax which means working with nature. That is what farming is about. Working with nature has proven to be much more successful than working against it. It’s upsetting that these techniques were suppressed by those more focused on monoculture and large industrial farm production when in reality the small farmers seem to providing much healthier and more sustainable ways.

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Chapter 4 and conclusion

  I found reading about rotational swidden agriculture very intriguing. I had never even heard of this before, so it seemed very resourceful...