Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Whiteness in farmers markets

 I have never actually been to a farmers market myself so I cant speak on the demographics. The closet I've been would have to be buying produce from Amish people at their farm stands. If I'm honest this article made me somewhat uncomfortable. I wasn't a fan of how they kept referring to white people as "pale bodies" kinda comes across as dehumanizing in my opinion. I understand what they're trying to saying though about the misrepresentation of who is actually growing the food. I think all types of people should be welcomed and represented at farmers markers obviously. And I agree that people should be shown more accurate representations of who actually is growing their food. I just don't understand what is supposed to be done about this issue? Are we supposed to limit white people from going to farmers markers or from having booths if they didn't grow the food? At the end of the day we're all one people and all part of the human race and thats what matters. We shouldn't divide ourselves so much over the tone of our skin or give so much power to the concept of "whiteness". We should acknowledge and celebrate our differences and strive to have open communities that are welcoming to new comers from all backgrounds.

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Chapter 4 and conclusion

  I found reading about rotational swidden agriculture very intriguing. I had never even heard of this before, so it seemed very resourceful...